Setting Goals

Alright Ladies (& Gentlemen) it is Sunday yet again! Since everyone knows you can only start a new meal plan or exercise routine on Mondays (that is baloney, quit stalling, START NOW!) I figured today was a perfect day to plan for the week ahead. We are only a couple weeks into May and Spring is in full bloom, however, before we know it Summer will be creeping in…
The season of shorts, sleeveless shirts, & yes bathing suites. So before time gets away from us lets set some goals and show them what we are made of!

Why Set Goals?
Because that is what successful people do. Goal-setting is used by top athletes, successful business people and just about everyone else who is amazing at what they do. When you set a goal it helps you envision your future & motivates you to stay on track. By setting goals you are able to focus your time & attention on being your best. Also, as you reach goals you have set for yourself it will give you a greater sense of accomplishment & confidence.

Can You Give Me Some Examples?
Sure! As I mentioned earlier, goals work for a variety of people in different fields. You can set goals as a Mother, as a Friend, as Spouse or Employee… but of course, I would like to talk about health & fitness goals. Your goals can range from simple to long term depending on what you choose to accomplish. For instance…

>> Drinking your daily recommended amount of water.
>> Eating more raw vegetables.
>> Eating less sugar.
>> Working out 5 days a week.
>> Losing 50 pounds of body fat.
>> Being able to bench press your body weight.
>> Running a 5k.

Ok, I Have a Goal, Now What?
Now it is brainstorming & research time. What will it take to reach your goal? If you have settled on a larger or long term goal, split it up into smaller ones, this will make it easier for you to see your progress & stay on track. For example if your goal is to lose 50 pounds, set 5 and 10 pound goals along the way. Decide when and how you will track your progress. Every day, once a week… will you use a chart or app to keep you organized? Give yourself some deadlines to help keep you motivated & lastly, make sure you have a planned reward that fits the goal & does not undo hard work. For instance maybe new clothes when you reach your goal weight as opposed to treating yourself with a chocolate cake.

My current goal is to reach a healthy weight. I am proud to say that so far I have lost 38 pounds! The main things that I am focusing on to reach my goal weight are eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep, and exercising. This past week my co-workers and I started a weight loss challenge to encourage each other to get healthier. Below are two of the charts I am using to measure my progress during the challenge in case they might help you too.

(Click to Print) Body Measurment Chart

(Click to Print) 8 Week Progress Worksheet 


Ok, Your Turn…

Leave A Comment Below:
What are your goals and what are you doing to reach them?

(P.S. Happy Mother’s Day to all you fantastic Mommies!)

4 thoughts on “Setting Goals

  1. First of all, you blog! How fun!:)

    I set a few goals to ultimately reach my big goal. First goal is to fit into my pre-second-baby jeans, we go on vacation at the beginning of June and I want to wear them then.
    Second goal is pre-first-baby weight by my son’s second birthday in August.
    Ultimate goal (for now) is 135! I don’t have any idea how long that will take, but I will get there! Hard work, deciation and inspiriation from friends.;)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww, thanks Kayla! I am kind of new to blogging but I really enjoy it 🙂
      Those are some great goals! Thank you so much for sharing them! You are definitely on the right track & you have a two of the cutest motivators too 😉


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